Lady is a spayed female, approx. 1 year old and weighing about 17 lbs.
Forest is a small mixed breed, neutered male, approx. 3 years old and weighing about 15 to 20 lbs.
Fozzy is a neutered male Standard Poodle who is 4 years old and who weighs about 65 lbs.
Frank is a neutered male Schnauzer mix, approx. one-year-old and weighing about 12 lbs.
Frankie is a neutered male Wire Haired Dachshud, approx. 9 yrs. old and weighs 19 lbs.
Frollo is a smooth-haired Collie mix, neutered male, approx. 45 lbs. and 3 years old.
PO Box 11330 • Loudonville, NY 12211
(518) 664-3450 •
Capital District Humane Association is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization.